Insurance Companies (reparation obligors)
providing basic economic loss (no-fault) insurance in the state of Minnesota have
organized and maintain, subject to approval and regulation by the commissioner, an
assigned claims bureau. The rules of operation and the assessment of costs on a fair and
equitable basis are consistent with sections 65B.41 to 65B.71.
Costs incurred are allocated fairly and equitably among the parties involved.
The Bureau is administered by a Governing Committee that consists of seven
members; one member is elected from each of the following classes of companies:
Alliance of American Insurers, American Insurance Association, National Association of
Independent Insurers and Non-Affiliated Insurance Companies; one Self-Insurer elected by
the Self-Insurers; and two public members appointed by the governor to two-year terms.
Biennially on a date fixed by the Committee, each respective class of
companies described and the Self-Insurers shall elect its representative to the Committee
to serve two-year terms or until a successor is elected. The governor shall appoint
two public members to serve two-year terms. The Bureau Staff shall be appointed by
the Committee.
Last updated:
Wednesday, June26,2024
2001 Minnesota Automobile Assigned Claims Bureau
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